Frequently Asked Questions

City Academy offers a combination of on-campus instruction and at-home learning.
What is a hybrid school?
Scripture is clear that parents are a child’s first teachers. It is with this belief that City Academy comes alongside parents to support them in their children’s education so that they can remain the primary influence in their child’s life. Our goal is to support, guide and direct but never replace.

Our program operates as follows: students in grade K-5 attend school 2 days per week, and students in 6th-8th grade attend school 3 days per week.

City Academy provides parents with thorough and engaging lesson plans for the home-learning days, giving freedom to the parents to craft home days to fit their schedules. Each class is taught by a qualified educator and class sizes are kept small.
What curriculum does City Academy use?
At City Academy of Atlanta, academic studies provide an avenue for students to grow in their knowledge of God, in their love for God, in their ability to love their neighbors as themselves, and in their wisdom to become good caretakers of God’s created world. Academic studies are structured in a way that allows families to worship together, study God’s Word together, and explore the subjects of history and science together. We call this our family curriculum. Language Arts and Math are both taught developmentally, giving students ample time to master concepts before progressing, and allowing students to move beyond traditional grade level based instruction when ready.
What does a typical day look like?
On in-school days, the schedule is typical of a traditional school day. The entire school begins their day with morning worship together. Students are dismissed to separate classrooms where they first spend time in discipleship, then the four content areas: Language Arts, Math, Science, and History. Lunch and recess are also included into the normal school day.
What Is the relationship between the school and the family?
We trust parents to know their child(ren) best, and parents, in turn, trust the school to lead the way in academics. We believe God has called our families to do life in community. Through parent training activities and Parent Council social opportunities, there are a variety of ways to build healthy community while creating opportunities to fellowship together.

For the home-learning days, the school will provide parents with easy-to-understand lesson plans, as well as the resources needed to teach well.
How do the teachers teach?
At City Academy, we believe students learn best by discovering. Therefore, our teachers cultivate environments wherein students may learn joyfully and creatively. In addition to learning basic facts and skills, hands-on projects are used for students to act as experts. Critical and creative thinking opportunities are offered so that students can learn to apply and evaluate information.
Does City Academy participate in standardized testing?
Yes. City Academy offers an optional assessment using the Classic Learning Test.
Are the teachers at City Academy qualified?
City Academy hires teachers based on educational background, experience, dedication to joyful learning, and a passion for discipling students as much as teaching academic content. CAA hires teachers who value relationships with students, parents and each other.
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Want to learn more about CAA?

We’d love to have you attend a parents only, Come and See City event.